Chanelle was an ideal companion for afternoon tea at the Strathmore Mansion today. She's a fellow book-lover and lingerer at art shows, and we took our time to admire creations like whimsical teapots. I was fascinated by "Winter Trees,'' a petite piece formed from glass and LED-illuminated.
The Strathmore is a gorgeous estate filled with majestic trees and memories, and it's easy to forget that it's tucked just behind hectic 355.
For me, Strathmore will always conjure up the sweetness and youth of midsummer. Last August, my Tapestry friends (and other Washingtonians who were unusually smiley and lulled by the summery family atmosphere) watched King Kong on a extra-wide outdoor screen, and we were all perfectly engulfed by the tenderness and tragedy of the story.
I'll remember our spontaneously creative Jessy creating little face-paintings on us, practicing ahead of our Go! Spread! Fire! outreach with inner-city kids. (The faces of the children... along with our non-artistic face or hand paintings of butterflies and rocks... would often rise in our mind's eye later.)
When it got chilly, Yong, always compassionate besides being always funny, let me have his jacket. Later, Lori, always active, drove home to get lots of blankets.
Create Memories...
At the end of summer, PD asked us about our summer memories. We remembered the outdoor movies, the balloon launch to celebrate our anniversary, the outreach, and other special moments. He's asking us to create memories. I think that's an intrinsically valuable part of connecting people to each other, and weaving a richer tapestry of many stories.
For me, memories are one source of creativity. In school, I wrote a poem titled Old Photos, which sprang from a nostalgic hour spent looking at pictures of my parents when they were so young.
Wish I'd brought my sister Ping to the Strathmore last summer!
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