Monday, July 09, 2007

Over-Partying God

My friend Gaby cut so many immense hydrangeas from her garden for me. I was telling her that hydrangeas suggest extravagant generosity -- like their grower Gaby!

She's also radiating one amazing aspect of God -- a Father who greatly rejoices over His children, presents us with a fuller than full life... and even over-parties!!

Really? Always original, PD recently described God as over-partying over lost sheep.

Luke 15: 3-6: Then Jesus told them a story. He said, "Suppose one of you has 100 sheep and loses one of them. Won't he leave the 99 in the open country? Won't he go and look for the one lost sheep until he finds it?When he finds it, he will joyfully put it on his shoulders and go home. Then he will call his friends and neighbors together. He will say, 'Be joyful with me. I have found my lost sheep.'

Now, doesn't that sound excessive, even a little embarassing? But it's true, all Heaven rejoices! Maybe our minds just haven't adjusted to a huge liberating truth like that.

Reminds me of what Joyce Meyer said. When we go to Heaven, we'll find piles and piles of beautiful unopened gifts. They were God's gifts to us on earth, she said, but we never even opened them!

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